Stocks are simple. All you do is buy shares in a great business for less than the business is intrinsically worth, with management of the highest integrity and ability. Then you own those shares forever. I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.

January 29, 2009

温家宝: 中国经济可以看到一些复苏的迹象


January 20, 2009


曹仁超: 在整个资本市场发展,内地跟西方国家尤其以美国为首,两个是刚刚相反的,美国资本市场的发展就是他们本身的收入是无法应付开支的,可以说入不敷支,如何让入不敷支的情况让人们继续消费呢?就令房地产拼命的上升,当资产价格上升的时候,他们就拼命的消费。但是入不敷支的问题,是长期存在的。所以,当房地产泡沫爆破之后,现在大家都知道出现了所谓的次按风暴,然后就是雷曼事件,发展成为金融海啸。





曹仁超: 相信经历了超级熊市之后,有机会在2008年10月、11月之间见底了,因为2009年世界经济不景气,所以A股市场暂时没资格出现牛市的。我自己相信,最大可能性在2009年是出现上下市。比如说沪深指数在1600点—2100点之间上下,等候世界经济好的时候,中国才会出现牛市。


MA 50,200分牛熊

50 天線重返200天線(港股係250天線之上),叫黃金交叉點,乃牛市出現嘅訊號;反之,50天線跌穿200天線(港股係250天線),叫死亡交叉點,代表牛市已死。上述乃學習移動平均線理論者人盡皆知嘅分析(半桶水專家例外)。一旦拋離200天線(港股係250天線)30%或以上,將出現強大反彈或後抽,此乃熊市二期或牛市二期嘅特有現象。

例如恒生指數喺今年10月27日10676點(道指由11月21日7449點)嘅反彈,目的係糾正過分偏低嘅現象。熊市二期升幅極限係重返200天線(港股 250天線)之上,但50天線卻無法响熊市二期重返200天線(港股係250天線)之上。





January 10, 2009

What Would Sir John Say?

By Theodore Roosevelt Malloch on 1.8.09 @ 6:08AM
As "annus horribilis" 2008 recedes into the background it might be timely to look back a few years and ask: Who really saw all of this coming? Was such an economic and financial disaster foreseeable? What kind of financial sage would have predicted it three or four years ago, in the middle of the "go-go" years? Well, it turns out there was such a prescient, counterintuitive person, keen of mind and generous of soul. That person himself passed away at age 95 in mid-2008. He was, Sir John Templeton, stock picker of the century, innovator, renowned philanthropist, and always a step or more ahead of the pack…far ahead.
I had the benefit of knowing Sir John and visiting him often where he lived, at Lyford Cay, the Bahamas. I also served on his board of advisors of the John Templeton Foundation. So more recently, in the throes of deepening recession, massive foreclosures, government bailouts, a global stock sell-off, indeed, near financial collapse and all around general -- doom and gloom, I found myself repeatedly wondering out loud the same question: "What Would Sir John Say?" Then I remembered. I happened upon this urgent and wise "Memo" from him, written in June 2005. If only we had all taken it to heart and acted upon it then, how much better off we would be now. Read on:
MEMOSubject: Financial ChaosBy: John M. TempletonDate: June 15, 2005Increasingly often people ask my opinion on what is likely to happen financially. I am now thinking that the dangers are more numerous and far larger than ever before in my lifetime. Quite likely, as we near the end of the first six months of 2005, the peak of prosperity is behind us.In the past century, protection could be obtained by keeping your net worth in cash or government bonds. Now, the surplus capacities are so great, that most currencies or bonds are likely to continue losing their purchasing power.Mortgages and other forms of debts are over ten-fold greater now than before 1970. This can lead to manifold increases in bankruptcy auctions.Surplus capacity, which leads to intense competition, has already shown devastating effects on companies, which operate airlines, and is now beginning to show in companies in ocean shipping and other activities. Also, the present surpluses of cash and liquid assets have pushed yields on bonds and mortgages almost to zero when adjusted for higher costs of living. Clearly, major corrections are likely in the next few years.Most of the methods of universities and other schools, which require residence, have become hopelessly obsolete. Probably, over half of the universities in the world will disappear as quickly in the next 30 years.Obsolescence is likely to have a devastating effect in a wide variety of human activities, especially in those where advancement is hindered by restricted bureaucracies or by government regulations.Increasing freedom of completion is likely to cause many established institutions to disappear with the next 50 years, especially in nations where there are limits on free competition.Accelerating competition is likely to cause profit margins to continue to decrease and even become negative in various industries. Over ten-fold more persons, hopelessly indebted, leads to multiplying bankruptcies: not only for them, but also for many businesses that extend credit without collateral. When this occurs, voters are likely to insist on rescue-type subsidies, which transfer the debts of governments, such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Research and discoveries in efficiency are likely to continue to accelerate. Probably, in as quickly as 50 years, as much as 90 percent of education will be done by electronics.Now, with well over 100 independent nations on earth and rapid advances in communication, people with superior educational backgrounds are likely to progress more rapidly than others. These people with more advanced education are likely to be true innovators.Comparisons show that prosperity flows toward those nations having the greatest freedom of competition. Especially, electronics and computers are likely to become helpful in all human activities, including even helping persons who have not yet learned to read.Hopefully, many of you can help us to find published journals and websites and electronic search engines to help us benefit from accelerating research and discoveries.Not yet have I found any better method to prosper during the future financial chaos, which is likely to last many years, than to keep your net worth in shares in those corporations, which have proven to have the widest profit margins and the most rapidly increasing profits. Earning power is likely to continue to be valuable, especially if diversified among many nations.JMT/nl
He was, you have to admit, amazingly spot on. But what would Sir John say today in the midst of the greatest recession since the thirties, a global credit crunch of unparalleled proportions and unprecedented market turmoil?
I was with him less than two years ago at the famous Morgan Stanley equity conference at Lyford Cay and he was weak and frail from plain old age. He attended as much as he could because his mind was still sharp, even if his body was in decline. In the final session all the giants of financial services, the hedgies, asset managers, and top fund gurus told a bit about their plans for the future year or so. When Sir John spoke the room fell deafeningly silent, like in those old EF Hutton commercials, you could actually hear a pin drop. When he said he would "short" the financials, autos, airlines, housing, the QQQ, and Wal-Mart it was like a bomb had gone off and people (in this case the largest hedge funds and asset managers in the world) gasped for air. You see, Sir John was not known to normally -- go short. One person who runs the world's largest private equity fund asked sheepishly, "Is there nothing you would buy?" Sir John's quiet but sure answer I will always remember. He said, "No, because nothing is cheap yet, but they will be shortly."
Over his long lifetime Sir John while constantly urging for free markets, competition, spiritual knowledge and moral character would also be searching the world over and buying cheap stocks, and then holding them to sell when they had fully appreciated. He would see this moment, this next year, 2009, I think, as the buying opportunity of a lifetime, not only in the U.S. but also, as was his predilection, in markets around the world. Mark his words and check back in five, ten, or twenty years. And when in doubt always ask, "What Would Sir John Say?"