Stocks are simple. All you do is buy shares in a great business for less than the business is intrinsically worth, with management of the highest integrity and ability. Then you own those shares forever. I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.

May 01, 2007

睡觉别太晚 器官工作表

睡觉别太晚 器官工作表 
一、晚上9-11点为免疫系统(淋巴)排毒时间,此段时间应安静或听音乐 。










ü       睡前不宜饮用咖啡、浓茶、可乐等有提神作用的饮料。

ü       晚餐不要吃得太饱,最好吃些低脂肪的食品。最迟在睡前两小时吃完晚餐。

ü       晚饭后散步,切忌剧烈的体育运动。

ü       睡前可用温热水洗脚,以改善血液循环。

ü       睡前做点运动,如打打太极、练练瑜伽等,都是放松身心的好方法。

ü       保持睡眠环境的安静。

ü       每晚睡七到八小时最理想,过多或过少睡眠皆不利于健康。

ü       睡眠应定时,养成每天同一时间上床睡觉。 



ü       熬夜时要吃温热的东西;一定要有足够多的白开水。

ü       应选择量少质高的蛋白质、脂肪和维生素B族食物如牛奶、牛肉、猪肉、鱼类、豆类等,也可吃点干果如核桃、大枣、桂圆、花生等,这样可以起到抗疲劳的功效。

ü       不要吃泡面来填饱肚子,以免火气太大。最好尽量以水果、土司、面包、清粥小菜来充饥。

ü       开始熬夜前,来一颗维他命B群营养丸。维他命B能够解除疲劳,增强人体抗压力。

ü       提神饮料,最好以绿茶为主,可以提神,又可以消除体内多余的自由基,让您神清气爽。但是胃肠不好的人,最好改喝枸杞子泡水的茶,可以解压,还可以明目呢!

二、加强锻炼身体。可根据自己的年龄和兴趣进行锻炼,提高身体素质。熬夜中如感到精力不足或者欲睡,就应做一会儿体操、太极拳或到户外活动一下。熬夜时如果用眼较多,最好间隔 40分钟休息10分钟左右,或者每隔一小时休息15 分钟左右。可以选择远眺、做眼保健操等方式。






ü       睡前不宜过饱或过饥,睡前喝杯(约为250 毫升左右)热牛奶,有助于睡眠(肾结石病人,睡前不宜喝牛奶)

ü       睡前用温水洗脚,益处甚大,并按摩" 涌泉穴"(在脚心处)15―30 分钟。

ü       睡前1小时要远离电视,因为电视屏幕闪烁的光线会使人神经兴奋而影响睡眠。

ü       进行深呼吸,听节奏缓慢和不会令人心情激动的音乐或歌曲,使混乱的心情随着音乐节奏缓和下来。

ü       心要静,不可忧虑,要先睡心,后睡身。

ü       保持脚部温暖有助于睡眠。 可穿一双袜子睡觉或放置热水袋。

Buffet's Wisdom

Your goal as an investor should be simply to purchase, at a rational price, a part interest in an easily understood business whose earnings are virtually certain to be materially higher, five, ten, and twenty years from now. Over time, you will find only a few companies that meet those standards—so when you see one that qualifies, you should buy a meaningful
amount of stock.

The basic ideas of investing are to look at stocks as businesses, use market f luctuations to your advantage, and seek a margin of safety. That's what Ben Graham taught us. A hundred years from now they will still be the cornerstones of investing

buying a stock for less than twothirds of net asset value and buying stocks with low P/E multiples—had a common characteristic.

firstly, market frequently mispriced stocks, usually because of the human emotions of fear and greed.
secondly, he quoted the poet Horace: "Many shall be restored that now are fallen, and many shall fall that now are in honor."

—the characteristic that most impressed Fisher was a company's ability to grow sales over the years at rates greater than the industry average. That growth, in turn, usually was a combination of two factors: a significant commitment to research and development, and an effective sales organization. A company could develop outstanding products and services but unless they were "expertly merchandised," the research and development effort would never translate into revenues.

market potential alone is only half the story; the other half is consistent profits. "All the sales growth in the world won't produce the right type of investment vehicle if, over the years, profits do not grow correspondingly,"

Graham: 1. Dividend Pay Record 2. Stable Earning Record 3. Asset