Stocks are simple. All you do is buy shares in a great business for less than the business is intrinsically worth, with management of the highest integrity and ability. Then you own those shares forever. I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.

January 03, 2008



1. 2628基本上每年碰一下30周线,目前正接触30周线位置, 估计36 - 38 左右承接力极强. 但是要反弹上15周线上44元上应该需要4-5星期时间。然后需10周挺稳在45-50一带,形成讲所有均线踩在脚下而股价突破之形态,所以共计需3-4月左右才能再上50元高位。目前38元左右只能耐心等代它拉平均线。


The history of 2628 to drop to 30 weekly line:

2005-OCT 5.8

2007-MAR 18                 (most high: 28.8)

2007-JULY 25.5              (most high: 34.1)

2008-JAN 38.3               (most high: 53.8)

5, 18, 25, 38...

we can see that it will probably be like: 5,18,25,38,45,58 (+5, + 13), so there is always chances that you can buy back 2628/2318, when it rised a lot, don't hesitate to buy, wait until it drops to 30 week line.

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